Does My Child Need A Reading Tutor?
You struggle every night trying to get your child to do the required 20 or 30 minutes of reading, they resist. The books they bring home are just like any other child’s in their class so, you think nothing of it, right? Well, that’s just what I have heard a few parents say. Does your child know how to choose books that are at their level so that they can read at night? Wouldn’t it be easier? Not arguing, no nightly battles to get reading or, even that homework finished. But, they want to choose books just like everyone else in their class.
So, the question is, do you know how to help them choose a book at their level or a “just right” book? Or do you need someone to help you and your child? Have you ever thought your child may need a tutor?

There are so many questions when choosing to look for a tutor.
How do I know if my child needs a tutor?
Families are busy, and kids are busy, I understand we are a busy family too. Are your child’s grades slipping? Do you notice them becoming quiet and may be frustrated when it is time to read or even doing their homework? You may ask friends, family, their teacher for support. The answers are it is just a part of life. Or he’s just a boy. I’ve heard that one.
NINE Signs Your Child Needs Tutoring
- Difficulty getting started. Does your child seem unexcited and unmotivated about anything to do with school—especially working on assignments?
- Homework is sloppy or refuses to do it and overall disorganization.
- Personality change, maybe more moody.
- Diminished self-esteem. Lack of confidence.
- Lack of interest in learning?
6. Teacher or counselor recommends it.7. Anxiety or frustration before tests.8. Loss of interest in learning or going to school.9. Feelings of wanting to give up.
How much tutoring does my child need?
After you have decided to look for a tutor, the next question you may have is, how much tutoring does my child need? The answer to this question is different for every child. For example, you just went to parent-teacher conferences, and your child’s teacher brings up that your child is not meeting grade-level expectations in reading. What do you do? You do your research and ask for recommendations. Many things come into factor when choosing the right tutor.
Normally, one or two-hour sessions a week will help close the gap quickly. Again, each child is different. Ask about skills you can work on together, as well.
The budget is another thing to consider. Some big box shops charge up to $75.00/hr., after the initial assessments. Some private tutors charge between $35-$75/hr. As a parent, you need to do your research, check out your neighborhood library, ask friends if they have used a tutor or possibly the Chamber of Commerce. Just remember cheaper is not always better.
When looking for a reading tutor for your child, there are a few things to remember.
- Talk about it with your child. Get them on board.
- One size does not fit all. Do your research and choose one that knows the subject.
- Consider your schedule what time, place, or even online
- Get referrals and read references
- Connection, when attending the first session, does your child connect with them?
One on one attention can change the world for some children when there is homework struggle every night. When your child is struggling with reading, finding the right professional tutor that is patient and knowledgeable in teaching reading is best.
I know it is hard, but you have not done anything wrong. Some children need extra support when they are young to get them to excel. Once you do find that right tutor, ask questions, ask for ideas on how you can help your child.
I have been a tutor since 2013 and have helped hundreds of children close their gap in reading and supported families through the process. Comment here if you have any questions about anything in this article. If you still have questions about if your child needs a tutor, what to look for in a tutor, or even what next steps are.
Good luck with your journey!
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