Do you or even your children know what I PICK means?

The letter I from above means I get to choose a book.  Let your child pick a book from the library in the neighborhood or at school.

P – Purpose, why are they choosing that book. Is it for entertainment, information or learning how to do something?

I – Interest, does that book interest them? It does not matter if it is fiction, non-fiction, fantasy or another genre.

C – Comprehend, can they comprehend the story or even a page and tell you what they read? To be able to understand what they learn is an essential skill as they continue through school.

K – Know – If your child were to read a page (any page) out loud to you would they know every word? Pronounce them correctly and read with accuracy and fluency?

Now that you know what I – PICK means I would love to offer you a chance to purchase my new book, “Just Right” books, how to help your child become a successful reader on Kindle.   Located here on my 

Author’s Page


After learning how to choose your “Just Right” books and managing to work through and allowing your child to “I PICK” their books there are many different titles available.