Differences between an IEP and a 504

I get this question all the time. Do you know the differences between an IEP (Individualized Education Plan) and a 504 Plan? Well, you are in the right place.

My name is Ann Mitchell, and I have been in the Special Education field for just about 20 years. It all began when my girls (who are now 21) were beginning to talk. Oh, by the way they are twins and they had their own little language going on.

We were stationed in Misawa, AB Japan when they started Preschool. When they moved into Kindergarten I began working in the preschool. I loved it!

I then chose to become a Special Educator to help change the world. However, our little world came to a halt when one of the twins began to struggle with depression, anxiety, emotional dysregulation you name it. It was hard at the beginning because I felt like no one else knew what we were going through. She was soon placed on an IEP once again this time for an Emotional Disability.

She was unable to stay in a large school or even a classroom setting. So that impacted her grades. They wanted to place her on an RTI plan, but it was not working. She knew the academics it was just her disability that was impacting her. I knew if I submitted a letter in writing that they would begin working on the assessments needed for an IEP.

IEP’s and 504’s both offer formal support within the school setting. The chart below will help show the differences between the two.


This is an amazing website. I always go there if I am stuck on something. That is where I found this video and a bit of the information listed above.


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