Problems with Spelling but NOT Reading

Spelling is hard for anyone but if your child is a good reader and cannot spell or get their thoughts on paper, what is that? Just as dyslexia is for reading there is dyscalculia for math and if your child cannot get their thoughts down on paper is called dysgraphia. This article will provide you with an overview of each learning disability listed. Along with where to go for help and support.




According to the International Dyslexia Association

“Dyslexia is a specific learning disability that is neurobiological in origin. It is characterized by difficulties with accurate and/or fluent word recognition and by poor spelling and decoding abilities. These difficulties typically result from a deficit in the phonological component of language that is often unexpected in relation to other cognitive abilities and the provision of effective classroom instruction. Secondary consequences may include problems in reading comprehension and reduced reading experience that can impede growth of vocabulary and background knowledge.”

Adopted by the IDA Board of Directors, Nov. 12, 2002. Many state education codes, including New Jersey, Ohio and Utah, have adopted this definition. Learn more about how consensus was reached on this definition: Definition Consensus Project.

Kids with dyslexia have trouble reading accurately and fluently. They may also have difficulty with reading comprehension, spelling, and writing. Individuals who struggle with dyslexia can also have trouble with math and language as well. Children or even adults who have dyslexia struggle with confidence and self-esteem issues. However, there is a long list of actors entrepreneurs and government officials with dyslexia. (,2014)  As long children get the interventions as a child so that they can begin to read and used the accommodations needed as an adult they will become successful in their lives.

Dyslexia affects up to 1 in 5 people, but the experience of dyslexia isn’t always the same. This difficulty in processing language exists along a spectrum — one that doesn’t necessarily fit with labels like “normal” and “defective.” Kelli Sandman-Hurley urges us to think again about dyslexic brain function and to celebrate the neurodiversity of the human brain. (YouTube,2013)



What Is Dyslexia? | Kelli Sandman – Hurley| TEDed | Her YouTube video has had over 2 million views 





Since I am a reading interventionist/tutor and dyscalculia has to do with math. I reached out to a member in the Facebook Group called The Ultimate Support Group for Online Tutors, and many members tutor math but the one who comes to mind is Atul Rana, due to the expertise, he has about dyscalculia. Atul recently wrote an article for Pearson/UK, Tutoring those with Dyscalculia all over the world online (Rana, August 3, 2018)

In 2001 the Department of Education and Skills defined it as: “Dyscalculia is a condition that affects the ability to acquire arithmetical skills. Dyscalculic learners may have difficulty understanding simple number concepts, lack an intuitive grasp of numbers, and have problems learning number facts and procedures. Even if they produce a correct answer or use a correct method, they may do so mechanically and without confidence.”  (Rana, 2018)

Some learning strategies for dyscalculia can be found on  For kids with dyscalculia, trying to keep up in math class can be tough. Luckily there are classroom accommodations that can help students with math issues access the concepts being taught.

  • In – Class Learning
  • Homework Support
  • Classwork and Test Taking Strategies

(, 2014 – 2018)





When I was teaching in the classroom, and even with parents looking for a tutor, I hear them say, “My child just can not get his thoughts down on paper.” Children could read without any problems but when it came to writing or spelling. Those weekly spelling lists were so tricky when you don’t realize you are struggling. Spending every week memorizing how to spell words and not being able to pass the test. I know many would think, you only need to study. That wasn’t the issue.

National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke states that

Dysgraphia is a neurological disorder characterized by writing disabilities. Specifically, the disorder causes a person’s writing to be distorted or incorrect. In children, the disorder generally emerges when they are first introduced to writing. They make inappropriately sized and spaced letters, or write wrong or misspelled words, despite thorough instruction. Children with the disorder may have other learning disabilities; however, they usually have no social or other academic problems. Cases of dysgraphia in adults generally occur after some trauma. In addition to poor handwriting, dysgraphia is characterized by wrong or odd spelling, and production of words that are not correct (i.e., using “boy” for “child”). The cause of the disorder is unknown, but in adults, it is usually associated with damage to the parietal lobe of the brain. (ninds, 2018-06-21)

Signs of dysgraphia

  • Generally illegible writing (despite appropriate time and attention is given the task
  • Inconsistencies: mixtures of print and cursive, upper and lower case, or irregular sizes, shapes, or slant of letters
  • Unfinished words or letters or omitted words
  • Inconsistent position on a page with respect to lines and margins
  • Inconsistent spaces between words and letters
  • Cramped or unusual grip, especially
    • holding the writing instrument very close to the paper, or
    • holding thumb over two fingers and writing from the wrist
  • Strange wrist, body, or paper position
  • Talking to self while writing, or carefully watching the hand that is writing
  • Slow or labored copying or writing – even if it is neat and legible
  • Content which does not reflect the student’s other language skills
  • The article located on LD online shares the accommodations and possible modifications needed
  • (LD online, 2018)


Accommodations and Hard Work

As a Special Educator, and now a tutor I’ve worked with children who struggled with any of the above. If severe enough they could qualify for an Individualized Education Plan (IEP). In the meantime, many did receive accommodations via a 504 Plan. These plans provide them with appropriate access to the curriculum. Along with proper accommodations and hard work, these children and families manage to survive.

 Can schools use terms like dyslexiadyscalculia and dysgraphia in IEPs and evaluations? They can. And in 2015, the U.S. Department of Education (ED) encouraged states and school districts to do so when appropriate. (, 2014 – 2018)



I recently found an amazing podcast called The Reading Project with Ashley Dimercurio, Your Reading Tutor

The Reading Project Podcast has a number of different conversations on dyslexia, modifications, homeschooling, and many others.


Together we can develop a culture
of literacy and love of stories!

Originally posted October 2018

Recently updated August 2021

Thank You for visiting!

The Top 5 Resources I Use During Tutoring

The Top 5 Resources I Use While Tutoring

The Dell XPS Computer

The Dell XPS 13 has many features that I use for my tutoring. It is small and compact for traveling, just hook up to a hotspot and you can offer services. The only thing over time that I learned is the built-in camera that is located on the bottom corner of the screen. So when not using a webcam it looks like you are hovering above your student.  Other than that if you are looking for a compact computer with long battery life, I do recommend the Dell XPS 13. 

C920 Logitech Webcam

Logitech HD Pro Webcam C920, Widescreen Video Calling, and Recording, 1080p Camera, Desktop or Laptop Webcam  

This camera is amazing. Of course, when you are starting out you don’t want to spend the money but this one has lasted quite some time. I would definitely recommend if you plan on making videos, of having live calls. 

MPOW Headphones

Mpow 059 Bluetooth Headphones Over Ear, Hi-Fi Stereo Wireless Headset, Foldable, Soft Memory-Protein Earmuffs, w/Built-in Mic Wired Mode PC/Cell Phones/TV

I went all out on these. They block background noise extremely well. They do come in various different colors, and as you can see I chose pink! Click the link and learn more. Whether you are looking for something for that gamer in your life or need to listen closely to those young readers on the computer I definitely recommend these headphones. 

HUE PRO Camera

HUE HD Pro USB Document Camera for Windows, macOS and Chrome OS (Blue) 

Like in the photo I shared above you can see I was sharing on my computer with the camera. The HUE Pro has been a game-changer for my business. I can share my PRIDE Reading Program that I use with many of my students.  It is based on Orton Gillingham.

Check out the video below to see how I use it with Zoom.

Go to HUE Blog to learn more!


Samson Go Mic Portable USB Condenser Microphone

Since summer has arrived and my office windows are open this compact microphone with a USB plugin does the job keeping the noise that my students hear away. 

It was recommended by Sonia Teach, Teachers That Teach Online when she was just beginning her FB lives and online business. 

25 Helpful Tips for Going Back to School

25 Helpful Tips for Going Back to School

Going back to school can be a stressfu time for everyone.  I hope these 25 helpful tips for going back to school will help ease some of your stress. 

Morning Routine:

When it comes to getting ready for school the morning seems to be the worst time. Everyone needing to be at either work or school or even daycare all at the same time it seems

  • Breakfast – to have a successful day breakfast should be included. A bowl of their favorite cereal with fruit or a glass of juice. 
  • Schedule – look at the schedue / calendar to see if there is anything important to do for the day. Make a note of it so you don’t forget.
  • Brush teeth, hair and get everything to go. 

After school time:

Boy, do I remember this time. Kids would come in the door and throw their backpacks and jackets where ever they pleased. Most of the time it was on the floor right in front of the door. UGH!

  • Homework time: this is the time you as a knowledgeable parent should be going through the backpack. Don’t just ask them, “DO you have any homework tonight?” I remember I used to do that then I realized I would get the same answer, “Nope!” everyday. So go through that backpack, get the lunchbox out and see if there are any notes from the teacher.
  • I have a homework tip sheet as a freebie. 
  • Planner: many schools require children to have a planner nowadays. If they don’t it is a good idea for a child to have one. This will help as they grow up and go onto middle school and high school. If required make sure you look at it and initial it. A good way for you to remember that you have looked at it.
  • Last step: after the  homework is done and the backpack has been sorted out the last step is to put everything back in so that it is ready to go for in the morning. Set it by the front door.
  • Snack time: just as our day was busy the kids were busy at school. They probably are starving. So a quick snack of fruit or granola will probably tie them over until dinner. 

Evening Routine: 

This time of the day can be as busy as you make it or quiet as it can be. Each family is different. There may be sports, piano lessons, tutoring or chores. After dinner is over and the dishes are clean. Let’s get ready for some quality family time. 

  • Prep for the morning:  backpacks by the door, shoes and coats lined up. Pick out the clothes to wear and se them out. Bath or shower completed and ready for bed. 
  • Family time: for as long as I can remember school nights have been busy. It is important to make some family time. Before you know it the time will not be there. Believe me! 

25 Helpful Tips for Back to School

  1. Get a routine
  2. Reuse last years supplies to save a little money.
  3. Get a planner
  4. Set up a communication center, for all activities
  5. Establish family time
  6. Take a short break either before or after homework time
  7. Snack time
  8. Arrange playdates if appropriate
  9. Visit the school with your child to get familiar with the environment
  10. Meet the teacher
  11.  Make a homework area and keep organized
  12. Arrange for a tutor if needed
  13.  Set a timer for homework and tv time
  14. Regular weekday schedules, bedtimes, tv times
  15. Model good behavior when stressed
  16. Create time for sports 
  17. Create a morning checklist 
  18. Check and sign the planner
  19. Ask for help if needed
  20. Make lunch for the morning
  21. Create a meal plan (breakfast, lunch, dinner)
  22. Talk to your child about setting a goal ( number of books, staying organized)
  23. Schedule a treat day
  24. Meet their friends
  25. Have a great school year

10 Ways to Avoid the Summer Slide

10 ways to avoid the summer slide

Updated 4/29/2020

Boy, I know you are struggling this year. Camps will probably be closed, summer activities at church, and reading programs at the library. Unless they all choose to do it virtually. I have actually done just that to include all of the above. Friendship, reading, treats, wacky and family will all be included in Our Summertime Reading Adventure


To be completely honest the first time I ever heard about the summer slide was not when my children were small in school, it was not when I was in college studying to become a teacher. It was when I became a tutor over five years ago. So if you are in the same boat don’t worry. There is a lot to learn here…


What does “Summer Slide” mean?

Summer slide” is the tendency for students, especially those from low-income families, to lose some of the achievement gains they made during the previous school year. … Educational, fun enrichment activities throughout the summer are an important feature of the programs  Summer Slide – Colorado Dept. Education

However, statistics show that  “2-month summer vacation students can lose 2 to 3 months of academic knowledge and skills every summer. That adds up! Therefore, by the end of grade 4, students can be 1 entire year behind only because of the impact of summer slide. Research indicates that summer slide may be a contributing factor to the achievement gap. ” (EC Parent Forum: Prevent Summer Slide,

It normally takes teachers several weeks to assess every child in their new classroom. Once they determine that and review what gaps their students have, not only reading but math and writing too. Most of the first month is over. 


What is summer slide reading?

Summer slide reading should be taking place over the summer months. The books should be at the students current level or called “Just Right” books. The student should be reading between two to four books over the course of a two-month-long summer break. Many libraries have summer reading programs and some schools hold enrichment programs but you would need to contact your school for further information.

Many do not understand what “Just Right” books are, so I have written an eBook  that is available on Amazon. I have also written previous blog post about what types of books your child should be reading. Your child may disagree with reading books that are at their level or you may have a child who is reading chapter books just like everyone else, which is fine. If your child argues and only wants to read the “chapter book” like everyone else make sure they read at least a page to you to see if they do not have the three mistakes on that page like I mention in my eBook. 

What is summer reading loss?

As mentioned previously depending upon the socioeconomic background and the access to reading materials over the summer the gap may increase. 

The study found that in the summer after kindergarten, 83 percent of children from low-income households did not have regular care arrangements with someone other than their parents, compared to 70 percent of those from non-poor homes. Higher-income students were also more likely to attend summer camp, with 38 percent of nonpoor students attending a day camp, compared to 13 percent of near-poor students and 7 percent of poor students. (Jones, Sasha 5/18, Education Week)

10 ways to avoid the summer slide?

1. Go to your public library – many public libraries near you may have a summer reading program. I know the one near me has a program where the children log the minutes that they read and at the end of the summer win an assortment of prizes.

2. Keep a journal or a scavenger hunt – a scavenger hunt sounds like so much fun. First, create a list of items that the kids need to find around the house or even a campground. Then, divide them up so you have one item at a time to look for and off they go. A journal could be used as an activity right before bedtime to write down what they did that day or even hope to do the next.

3. Books and crafts – I had the opportunity to talk with Alexandra of Scissors and Glue a blog based upon book reviews that she does and the activities she creates with each one. Take a look around and if you do not see a book listed she does have a form that you can request for her to do a review. 

4. Cook a meal together – look through recipes on the computer or cookbook, print it out, make a grocery list of items together and go shopping. Next, get everything together and work together to make an awesome dessert or even snacks for a picnic.

5. Plant flowers or build a bird house – Your local home store may have plenty of flowers to plant or bird houses to build. Talk about colors, what you are going to need (dirt, hammer, paint, nails), make a list and work together to plant or build. 

6. Science or Art museum – check and see if there are any FREE Family days. Have an adventure!

7. Local YMCA or recreation center – A few recreation centers have kids activities that are structured. They may even have daily excursions. 

8. Family trip – Summertime there is nothing better than a family trip. Whether it is in your hometown as a stay-cation or a across country trip, there are always things to incorporate learning. Don’t forget your journal and especially your camera. The old pictures that I pull up with my family are so fun to look at now. Have them track the miles to the next rest stop or campground, even the motel or families house you will be visiting. Create a list of things to do while there and have them write it.  So much to learn on a family outing.

9. Good book to read – grab a good book and lay in the shade or at the pool.

10. Our Summertime Reading Adventure (below)



How many minutes a day should a child be reading?

Did your child have a record for reading while in school? If not I have one available on my Teachers Pay Teachers site. Every child should be reading at a minimum of 20 – 30 minutes every day and with this record you can set a goal and end with a reward. Find a good book that they enjoy curl up on a blanket at the park and read together or when you are tucking them in at night. Make it fun!

Don’t forget to check your local library for FREE reading resources and learn about



Why Summer?

  • Why is summer good for students? Summer is good because it is like a recharge from all of the academic pressures during the school year. It does not matter the age, even we need a break once in awhile, correct? You may have your own thoughts about the answers presented here. That is okay, I would love to hear your opinions below.
  • Should summer break be longer? Many districts on the East coast return back to school after Labor Day and run until June. While schools here for example near Denver, return in early August and get out the end of May. This question is hard to answer. While there is the possibility of losing quite a bit over a longer summer break. A shorter break would help working parents but for teachers who need to do training or complete lessons, it is not very helpful.
  • Why is there no school in the summer? When I moved here 13 years ago after my husband retiring from the Air Force a few of the surrounding schools were year round (9 weeks on and 3 weeks off, rotating tracks). In the 19th century many wanted a standardized calendar so that children could help on the farms during the summer months. ( 2014) 

Countdown until Our Summertime Reading adventure starts












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brought to you by Castle Rock Online Reading Tutor (Updated 4/29/2020)

Dates: June 8 – July 31

All You Need To Know About Virtual IEP Meetings

All you need to know about virtual IEP meetings. 

Let’s start at the beginning.

The Spring of the 2019 – 2020 school year has been difficult for everyone, parents, kids, teachers, therapists, admin… even the dog, you name it. Now you are wondering what is happening with services, IEP’s, let alone meetings. All the states are being treated as individual entities right now. So, a virtual IEP meeting is what will be happening. Just like your children may be doing school over the computer. I know our district is. 

As an online reading tutor, I am comfortable having online meetings with parents, students and especially during this shutdown I have been meeting with other tutors and teammates over Zoom, mainly. I began to think that not everyone is as comfortable with tutoring or having meetings online.


“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”

Mahatma Gandhi

All About virtual or online IEP meetings.

I know you are probably thinking that something will go wrong or you will not be able to ask the questions that you need to. My suggestion prior to the meeting is to contact someone on the team that you trust. Someone that you could text during the meeting or even after if there was something that you wanted to bring up and forgot.

My personal favorite platform to use for meetings is Zoom. However, some districts, use Google Hangouts or Meet, some may even use Skype. There are many different platforms out there that your district may use. My next suggestion is once you learn which platform that the meeting will occur on is get on it prior to the meeting and practice. The day of the meeting you will feel better about doing a virtual meeting.

Who knows this may be the standard after this is all over? Just think not having to find a sitter of to even leave work to have a meeting. You can invite anyone else to join as well.

The only thing different about a virtual IEP meeting is the place it is being held. Everything else will be the same.


Tips for a virtual meeting

  • Prepare your questions and parent input prior to the meeting.
  • Confirm which software/platform you will be using…practice.
  • Dress appropriately. Just because you are doing a virtual meeting doesn’t mean you can show up unprofessional looking. Plus, you will feel more confident.
  • Charge your phone or device prior to the meeting.
  • Make sure you are in a place where there is good WIFI. It does not matter where you are just as long as it is quiet and without too many distractions.
  • If you feel nervous, once the meeting gets going you won’t even realize you are online.


After the meeting is complete

After the team has reviewed your child’s strengths and weaknesses, determined goals, you have provided the parent statement and the least restrictive environment has been determined. You will receive an emailed copy of the IEP. Now is the time to read it and make sure you understand it. If you have any questions, contact that trusted member of the team and get those questions answered.

Don't Forget Your FREE IEP Checklist

Having a copy of this checklist will help you become more organized and prepared for your next IEP meeting. Whether it is virtual or not.