First Steps In Growing Successful Readers

First Steps In Growing Successful Readers

In collaboration with Diane Talbot, Spiral Skills Tutoring and Academic Coaching. Diane is a reading, writing, and math specialist in Boulder, Colorado. She works with children and young adults with learning disabilities, as well as gifted and twice-exceptional children.

Ann Mitchell, Castle Rock Online Reading Tutor Ann is an online reading tutor that lives in Castle Rock, Colorado. She is a reading interventionist that works with elementary age students that struggle with reading. Additionally she is in the process of developing a small reading group for busy families. 

Both Diane and Ann share the love of gardening and teaching.

Do you have a garden? If so, does your child help you plant seeds and watch the new seedlings pop their heads out of the soil? First steps in growing successful readers is much like growing a garden. You need to prepare, plant seeds, care and nurture, and finally you have a gorgeous outcome. 

Preparing the ground

Just like preparing to plant a garden, we begin at birth to prepare our kids to read. We do this by talking and listening to our kids, singing and playing games and reading to kids. 


When planting seeds or seedlings, you don’t want to risk frost. Don’t start too early with flashcards or formal phonics.


Check out  3 tips for better reading. 

This will provide some everyday ways to help your child as they are beginning to read those tricky words. 


Planting seeds

You are always planting seeds of the love of literacy. You plant seeds when your kids see you reading and when you read to them. 


As you read together model finger-point reading with them. That means to follow the words with your finger from left to right as you read them. As well as which way to correctly hold and care for their books. Just like we care for our young plants. We need to support them in every stage.


Many parents wonder what type of books they should be looking for as their child begins to read. Just remember the words “Just Right” Even when those vegetables or even flowers look just right when you go to pick them you need to provide extra support as they grow.

Nurturing seedlings


When we nurture our seedlings we need to water, weed and watch them as they grow. When we nurture our beginning readers, read together and when your child is finished with a book, be sure to talk about what happened in the story, and maybe re-read favorite parts. Let them know how proud you are! By sharing a book with a child, you’re sharing the joys and excitement of reading.


When your child begins to notice letters and words around her, let her know how proud you are. When she writes a string of letters (or letter-like symbols) ask her to read what she wrote to you. If she brings you a “word” and asks what it says, show her how to sound it out, even if it doesn’t make sense. Ask her a word she wants to write just work with her to sound it out and write it. If she wants to write dog, ask what the first sound is, you can model pinching out the word, using your thumb and index finger, pinch and say /d/, then thumb and middle finger for /o/ and thumb and ring finger for /g/. Show her how to write the letters that represent each sound. Then go back and read her work. It is important that children learn the sounds before having to write them down. Make sure you model the letters for them. 


Just as we see the growth of our gardens you will definitely she the growth in your readers as long as you nurture and care for them.  

Celebrating The Harvest


“The harvest is my favorite part of gardening”, according to Ann. This is when all of the fruits of your labor have brought success. Whether it is your favorite flowers or a vegetable garden. Most importantly, it may also be that beginning reader that can blend sounds, recognize letters and read words provided on a page. 

How Does Your Child Learn?

Does your child play video games, love to dance or curl up with a good book? 

How does my child learn best?

How does my child learn best?


Have you ever thought about the many different ways children learn? Every day we are learning new things. The first day a child is born they learn about their mother’s smell, the sounds or voice around them and as we grow we learn reading, writing, and arithmetic. But how?




Did you know that there are actually 8 different ways we can learn?


  • The Linguistic Learner learns best through reading and writing
  • The Musical Learner does best with melody or rhythm
  • The Kinesthetic Learner learns best with movement
  • The Visual or Spatial Learner learns best with visual aids
  • The Logical or Mathematical Learner categorizes items in a particular way
  • The Interpersonal Learner learns when collaborating with others
  • The Intrapersonal Learner does the best learning on their own
  • The Naturalist Learner does best experiencing  nature


Even though they are listed as a learner style Howard Gardner who created the “Theory of 8 Intelligences,” the term learning style was added.  There are many books available to learn more about these 8 styles of learning. The book that I have recently re-read and read for a college class while completing my Special Education degree is Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom written by Thomas Armstrong (4th edition)


Determining your Intelligence

Each one of us possesses all eight intelligences – Mi theory is not a “type” theory for determining the one intelligence that fits. The eight intelligences function together uniquely in each individual. However, some may be more developed than others.


Howard Gardner suggests that everyone has the capacity to develop all eight intelligences if given the proper encouragement, enrichment, and instruction.  All of the intelligences usually work together in complex ways. Just like a child playing kickball. There are many ways to be intelligent within each category. Just as a child may be awkward in playing a sport that the same child may be able to knit or crochet with extraordinary results.












An Example

Check out this video of an 11-year-old crocheting prodigy from Wisconsin shared by 9 news in Denver.

I have been so intrigued by the work of Howard Gardner and each way our children learn I have developed a course recently that provides a quiz for both you and your child and goes into an explanation of each style.

Let's Find Out

Have you ever wondered what type of learner you are? How about your child? Do you learn visually or do you need to move around? There are actually 8 different learning styles. 

Which one are you? 

How did my tutoring business get it’s name?

How did my tutoring business get its name?

To think back when it all began, how did my tutoring business get its name? In 2013, when I began tutoring I traveled to the library here in town and to student’s homes. I, of course, began with the name Castle Rock Tutoring. Since I am based out of Castle Rock, Colorado and the names that were available I grabbed it and so that is how it all began.

How it Has changed

Many businesses change over time, however, mine didn’t really change just a little tweak of the name. I still loved what I did, helping children close the gap in reading mainly. I just narrowed my niche a little bit more than it was. Previously, I would tutor reading, writing and math. Now I just tutor reading. If I have a student who is beginning to close their gap in reading but struggle in other areas I will see how I can help them in those subjects. If I cannot I refer them on to other tutors I know. During the summer months I do offer more than just reading. Over the past couple years, I have developed Our Summertime Reading Adventure. It provides reading, comprehension, answering questions, meeting new friends all in the comfort of their own home.

What we are now

In 2017 as I mentioned I only tweaked my business name. It is now Castle Rock Online Reading Tutor and the reason I chose this name was that I narrowed my niche to reading and began to offer my services online. I love what I do! I have become trained as a reading interventionist and use an individualized method to help every child become a better reader.

I work mainly with elementary age students across the United States. I have helped hundreds of children become confident readers and parents become happier seeing their child is successful. 

If you have a struggling reader in your family look around my site and the first words that you will find are:

I am so glad you are here.

I know you have tried everything to figure out how to help your child with reading, from asking friends, their teacher or even checking out a tutoring center close to home.

If your child is struggling with reading and you are at a loss.  Choosing books that are just too hard for them just because their friends read them.

You are in the right place.

Next Steps

Once you have looked around my website and possibly thought about when your child could start tutoring. There is a New Student Registration button on the front page which will take you to a form to fill out with some basic questions.

Read the testimonials located around my site, read the About Us page to learn more about me and my family and below are my social media links that you can follow. Finally, sign up for my newsletter to obtain more information to help your child.


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Summer Break… Are you running out of things to do?

Summer Break …


Are you running out of things to do?

Join us for Our Summertime Reading Adventure

Starts on Monday, June 10th for an entire eight weeks. If you are a week or two late no worries



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“I PICK” my books

Do you or even your children know what I PICK means?

The letter I from above means I get to choose a book.  Let your child pick a book from the library in the neighborhood or at school.

P – Purpose, why are they choosing that book. Is it for entertainment, information or learning how to do something?

I – Interest, does that book interest them? It does not matter if it is fiction, non-fiction, fantasy or another genre.

C – Comprehend, can they comprehend the story or even a page and tell you what they read? To be able to understand what they learn is an essential skill as they continue through school.

K – Know – If your child were to read a page (any page) out loud to you would they know every word? Pronounce them correctly and read with accuracy and fluency?

Now that you know what I – PICK means I would love to offer you a chance to purchase my new book, “Just Right” books, how to help your child become a successful reader on Kindle.   Located here on my 

Author’s Page


After learning how to choose your “Just Right” books and managing to work through and allowing your child to “I PICK” their books there are many different titles available.