A Day in the Life of an Online Reading Tutor
A Day in the Life of an Online Reading Tutor
As the title states, this is about a day in the life of an online reading tutor. That’s right I am an online reading tutor if you haven’t guessed already. I have been tutoring in my community for just about six years now and the past two have included mainly online services. I currently have twelve online reading students across the United States but that is not all.
Time for an update
Update November 2021 Since I wrote this article so many things have changed. So I am updating this article. As I mentioned I have been an online reading tutor since 2017, but prior to that, I was a Special Educator with a Masters and even before that worked in a Preschool for Children with Disabilities (PCSD) on Misawa AB, Japan.

So the day begins…
On a normal day I get up at 4:00 am whether or not I have a student at 4:30. That way I can keep a little bit of regularity to my schedule. What do I do so early in the morning? Well, for the past three years I have been teaching children in China with a company called VIPKID.
They are always hiring qualified teachers so click the link below and you will be able to contribute to household expenses even before everyone else’s day has begun. I love it! It is quiet, I get to see some amazing smiling faces every day.
First and foremost you need to have a permanent smile. Some days this is harder than others it is 4 AM. Actually, you need to have at least a bachelors degree and their requirements have changed this year about having a teaching degree of some kind. If you can show that you have classroom experience in some way. Then there is the interview process.
Update: November 2021 The Minister of Education recently has made it against the law for children to recieve extra tutoring. So VIPKID is no longer allowing us to teach.
Next part of my day…
It is still early but the next part of my day I would not change for the world. I know a few of you know that I am a grandma (Oma) to an amazing 4-year-old little boy. Who just went through the potty training fun time! Thanks to my daughter’s help! Four days a week he goes to preschool for two and a half hours. Yep, every minute counts. (Update: Almost 7 year old and in 1st grade.
Grandma time…
I have just started this but on three days a week at least I go work out. They opened a Planet Fitness in my town and I started slow but I do 30 minutes on the elliptical. It works the arms and legs both at the same time. I keep remembering watching the Biggest Loser on tv. I have even cooked a few recipes in this cookbook The Biggest Loser: 6 Weeks to a Healthier You: Lose Weight and Get Healthy For Life!
On Monday’s I have decided to do Facebook Lives to share some of the things I am doing with my business, answer questions about online tutoring and any questions you may have about reading. If you are interested go to my Facebook site and hit notifications and the like button so you will know when I go LIVE.
Well, exercise has been a bit difficult for me. I forgot to mention in March 2020, the world pandemic shuts everything down. COVID, ugh!
What happens next…
Well, Oma time is over for a bit. I go to school to pick up my favorite sidekick. We normally just head home and have lunch and watch a movie. His favorite changes on a daily basis. Now that Summer is around the corner our schedule will definitely change.
We have fun together sometimes running errands or just hanging out together.

Back to work…
My evening and Saturday tutoring schedules fluctuate. Monday – Thursday I tutor 4 – 8 pm and on Saturday I tutor for 10 – 3. I love it! I would not change anything right now in my schedule. I guess based upon the year. During the school year, it is the same as mentioned. When Summer comes I do a reading Adventure.
(Update: since my grandson is in the 1st grade now I am able to work with homeschool families a couple days a week. I still work evening hours but I do take Friday, Saturday, and Sunday off)
Good night…
After tutoring and kitchen is cleaned up I am able to sit and relax for a short time before I hit the hay. I try not to stay up too much past 9 PM. Then the day starts all over again.
I hope you enjoyed my story! I plan on adding a video that actually shows the day in the life of an online reading tutor.
As you may have figured out this is my version. Other reading tutors that you may know or have worked with, their day is completely different. Being able to work at home and do what I love there are just no words.
Thank you and have a wonderful day! See you soon 🙂